Linguokultural translation units in cross-cultural communication


  • S. М. Kerimova Казахский национальный университет им. аль-Фараби
        52 26


cross-cultural communication, translation, linguokultural units, lingvokultural model of the translation, cultural realities, concepts and symbols.


In article the linguokultural translation units representing culture phe­nomena are considered (realities, idiokultural situations, concepts, struc­tural-semantic features of language units). On an example the lingvokultur­al of realities in translation features of development of the certain national caused associations in readers-inofonov at the level of emotional percep­tion are considered The author gives various models of the translation de­veloped by theorists and practitioners of the translation at different times. The special attention is paid to the linguokultural model of the transla­tion based on new scientific approaches in studying and interpretation of national and cultural representations at implementation of cross-cultural communication. The point of view that by comparison of cultures are nec­essary interpretation of cultural codes, adaptation of a target text to facili­tate understanding of national outlook of culturally significant elements in the text moves forward.


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How to Cite

Kerimova S. М. (2016). Linguokultural translation units in cross-cultural communication. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 154(2). Retrieved from