Тhe explication of the «memory» concept in the oeuvre of Gerold Belger


  • А. О. Маукеева Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби
        15 12


concept, oeuvre, author, work, concept «memory», expli¬cation, conceptual analysis, text, art world, world view.


This article deals with questions of literary text research, its conceptual space. The art space of the text which is commonly referred to as the art world of the author is analyzed on the bases of the oeuvre material of Gerold Belger. This world in actually language relation is determined by central text concepts, which are understood as key words of spiritual culture. The concept «memory» acts as a key word concept in G. Belger’s story «In ancestral home». The conceptual analysis of this word shows that in the art world of the author as a special creative linguistic personality, «memory» forms the conceptual, semantic field inherent in this author. The analysis of the text of the story shows that the part of this field consists of such components, as «memory – ancestors», «memory – father’s house», «memory – fragile thread», «memory – communication with the past and future», «memory – time», «memory – genealogical communication», «memory – life», «memory – eternity». These semantic categories forming semantic space of the «memory» concept, as a result define a special art world of the author, his special world view.


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2 2.Бельгер Г.К. Сосновый дом на краю аула. – А.: Жазушы, 1973. – 191с.
3 3.Степун Ф.А. Воспоминания / Ф. А. Степун // Современные
записки.– Париж, 1939.

1 1.Stepanov Yu.S. Konstanty: Slovar’ russkoi kul’tury: 3-e izd. – M.: Akademicheskyi proekt, 2004. – 824 s.
2 2.Вelger G.K. Sosnovyi dom na krayu aula. – A.: Zhazushy, 1973. – 191 s.
3 3.Stepun V.A. Vospominaniya / V.A. Stepun // Sovremennye zapiski. – Parizh, 1939.


How to Cite

Маукеева, А. О. (2016). Тhe explication of the «memory» concept in the oeuvre of Gerold Belger. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1803