Medical vocabulary: terminological aspects


  • М. Е. Тойганбекова Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая
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special medical vocabulary, medical terminology.


To date, the formation of the medical lexicon says about the growth and development of this branch of knowledge. In the language of medi­cine improving the conceptual apparatus and рrofessional increasing need for the nomination, gives rise to a whole new terms and terminology sys­tems. Recharge in the system language terminological subsystems mani­fested in the creation of new terms on the basis of nominative means of the language and terminologization words. Comparative analysis of termi­nological activities showed that arise in the course of this activity is not explained by the difficulties the specifics of individual languages, and the special position of the terms in the national languages. At the same time, in the main part of terminosistemy medicine occupy terms borrowed from Latin and Greek. However, as the use of anatomical terminology words of the native language contributes to the formation and expansion of medical terminology. Article is devoted to aspects of the development and estab­lishment of medical terminology. The author reveals the peculiarities of special medical vocabulary in terms of development and improvement of the scientific field.


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How to Cite

Тойганбекова, М. Е. (2016). Medical vocabulary: terminological aspects. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 153(1). Retrieved from