Methods of the image in the literary portraits


  • Б. К. Базылова Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • В. В. Калинина Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
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literary portrait, pathos, journalism, etude, biographic and autobiographical beginning.


In article «Notes about Belinsky’s identity» of Goncharov as the phe­nomenon which yet didn’t pour out in the finished art form of a literary portrait are considered. The lyrical plot of «Notes» is conceptually built as it is directed on an explanation of one of the main concepts of an esthetics of Belinsky – concept of pathos or «poetic idea». Goncharov considers nature of evolution of views of Belinsky of «poetic idea» in indissoluble communi­cation with outlook of the critic, pathos of his own life. Potters, creating an image Belinsky in «Notes», uses «indirect» portraiture. Goncharov’s journal­ism of the 70-80th years includes as works, published, and unpublished during lifetime of the writer. They represent various phenomena in the genre relation. Goncharov repeatedly uses an etude for determination of specifics of the publicistic performances. In Goncharov’s understanding, it is a special form of completeness which possesses energy of the generation put in it in the curtailed type of sense. The beginning uniting them is that here the writer formulates the reasons about the art truth in art, a problem which was a subject of continued thoughts of Belinsky. Placed in a context of journalism of the writer, the etude about Belinsky gets additional art sense. This fact by that holds a dominant position in system of contexts of a sketch a context of creativity of Belinsky – the critic and the publicist is explained.


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How to Cite

Базылова, Б. К., & Калинина, В. В. (2016). Methods of the image in the literary portraits. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from