The attitude towards east and western traditions in the nakhchivan literary environment (the XIX century-the beginning of the XX century)


  • Н. Исмaиловa Нaхчывaнское отделение Нaционaльной Aкaдемии нaук Aзербaйджaнa
        12 11


Nakhchivan, East, West, literary, environment, XIX-XX century.


There are East trends existing in many works of C.Memmedguluzade, M.S. Ordubadi and H. Cavid who are representatives of 19-20 century Na­khchivan literary environment and there are reason that revealing these in article. There are East trends existing in activities of these poets and certain scientific imagination based to spesific literary fiction materials about East theme. Some scientific results have been obtained during the research. Literature of that period, having passed the successful period of develop­ment. The author showed that, integration into the world literature, syn­thesis with the world literature, attempts to create national literature in line with the world literature was among the basic principles of literature of Azerbaijan of the end of the XIX century – the beginning of the XX century. The Nakhchivan literary environment made a big contribution to the Azerbaijani science and education. During this period the national and educational movement started being shown in Nakhchivan. The progres­sive democratic layer of the intellectuals was created.


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How to Cite

Исмaиловa Н. (2016). The attitude towards east and western traditions in the nakhchivan literary environment (the XIX century-the beginning of the XX century). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from