Grotesque: theory and application


  • Ә. Д. Қабылов Ш. Есенов атындағы Каспий мемлекеттік технологиялар және инжиниринг университеті
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grotesque, fantastic, illogic, parody, mismatch, reality, convention, satirical purpose.


The article deals with the theoretical basis and the application of the grotesque as a method of comic literature. The material of the study are the work of foreign and domestic literature, since they are the founda­tion of the theory formed the grotesque. Grotesque – a species of comic technique that combines fantastic shape horrible and funny, ugly, and the sublime, combining incongruous, unreal with the real twist, deconstructs reality. As an artistic image of the grotesque different duality, contrast. Grotesque – always a deviation from the norm, a convention, an exag­geration, deliberate caricature, so it is widely used for satirical purposes. This article explores the universal concept of the grotesque. For example, the works of Kazakh writer T. Shapay highlighted the main features and functions of the grotesque. In some works of the writer may be a wonderful addition to the ordinary, and using figurative language turns into an incred­ible truthful. The author makes fun of the negative phenomena of society. Describing a phenomenon implies the real objects. To show the serious­ness of these problems, the author uses various grotesque tone.


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4 4.Қожакеев Т. Сатира негіздері. – Алматы: Санат, 1996. – 464 б.
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1 1.Kozlova D.V. Grotesk v teorii iskusstva // Voprosy vzaimovliyaniya literatur. – N. Novgorod, 1997. – S. 209.
2 2.Nikolaev D.P. Satira SHCHedrina i realisticheskij grotesk. – M., 1977. – S. 358.
3 3.Bahtin M.M. Literaturno-kriticheskie stat’i. – M.: Hud. lit., 1986. – S. 543.
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6 6.Shapaj T. Qazaqty’nh zhany’. – Astana: Elorda, 2001. – 284 b.


How to Cite

Қабылов, Ә. Д. (2016). Grotesque: theory and application. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from