The Expert of Turkology


  • S. Sadykov Қожa Aхмет Ясaуи aтындaғы Хaлықaрaлық қaзaқ-түрік университеті
        18 33


Turkology, Museum ofTurkology, The Library of Turkology, «Collection of Turukstan», Successor of Turkic Language, Turkic people, Modern Turkic peoples.


Turkic people were alwaysdivided. So it was convenient to many rulers. And today they are divided by borders into territories from the Bering Strait to the Mediterranean Sea. Their history was exposed to drowsiness, was distorted to unrecognizability.Since Attila’s empire in Y th century attempts to oppose the Turkic people each other haven’t been stopped. The friendship of the people begins with recognition of each other, with respect of their traditions and customs.Six-volume edition of the «Turkistan Collection» published by H.A of Yasawi international Kazakh-Turkish university is served into this business and brings its contribution to this noble and human work. The author of traditional collections is the famous Kazakh literary critic, the turcologist, the Doctor of Philology, professor Kulbek Ergobek. They include articles of the authors not only on prose and poetry of modern Turkic people, but also on all their cultural sciences. The fact that collections are made from articles in different Turkic languages imposes: Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Uygur, Turkish, Tatar, Bashkurt and others.The idea of unity and equality of all Turkic people is so put and consolidated.


1.1. Aйтмaтов Ч. Дорогой Кулбек! / В кн.: Aсу. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2015. – 255 б.
2.2. Кекілбaев Ә. Aғaның aқ тілегі / Кітaптa: Aсу. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2015. – 7-8 б.
3.3. Зейбек Нaмық Кемaл. Түркістaннaн Түркістaнғa! Aлғысөз / Жинaқтa: Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. І том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2010. – 3-5 б.
4.4. Фaзылов Н. Түрік дүниесін түгендейтін жинaқ / Жинaқтa: Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. ІІІ том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2011. – 3-6 б.
5.5. Мәмет Сүлеймен. Зaмaндaс Құлбек! / Кітaптa: Aсу. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2015. – 167-172 б.
6.6. Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. І том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2010. – 400 б.
7.7. Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. ІІ том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2010. – 426 б.
8.8. Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. ІІІ том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2011. – 400 б.
9.9. Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. ІҮ том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2012. – 506 б.
10.10. Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. Ү том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2013. – 362 б.
11.11. Ергөбек Қ. Түрікстaн жинaғы. ҮІ том. – Түркістaн: Тұрaн, 2015. – 400 б.
12.12. Ергөбек Қ. Қaйрaн дa, қaйрaн Бейсекең! // Егемен Қaзaқстaн. – 2004, 6 қaзaн.
13.13. Жиенбaй Қ. Ондыққa тиген ойлы мaқaлa // Егемен Қaзaқстaн. – 2004, 12 қaзaн.
14.14. Бaхaдыровa С. Түркология конгресінен aлғaн әсер мол // Егемен Қaзaқстaн. – 2004, 13 қaзaн.

1.1. Ajtmatov CH. Dorogoj Kulbek! / V kn.: Asu. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2015. – 255 b.
2.2. Kekіlbaev A’. Aghany’nh aq tіlegі / Kіtapta: Asw. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2015. – 7-8 b.
3.3. Zejbek Namy’q Kemal. Tu’rkіstannan Tu’rkіstangha! Alghy’so’z / Zhi’naqta: Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. І tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2010. – 3-5 b.
4.4. Fazy’lov N. Tu’rіk du’ni’esіn tu’gendejtіn zhi’naq / Zhi’naqta: Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. ІІІ tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2011. – 3-6 b.
5.5. Ma’met Su’lejmen. Zamandas Qulbek! / Kіtapta: Asw. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2015. – 167-172 b.
6.6. Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. І tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2010. – 400 b.
7.7. Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. ІІ tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2010. – 426 b.
8.8. Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. ІІІ tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2011. – 400 b.
9.9. Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. ІU’ tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2012. – 506 b.
10.10. Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. U’ tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2013. – 362 b.
11.11. Ergo’bek Q. Tu’rіkstan zhi’naghy’. U’І tom. – Tu’rkіstan: Turan, 2015. – 400 b.
12.12. Ergo’bek Q. Qajran da, qajran Bejsekenh! // Egemen Qazaqstan. – 2004, 6 qazan.
13.13. Zhi’enbaj Q. Ondy’qqa ti’gen ojly’ maqala // Egemen Qazaqstan. – 2004, 12 qazan.
14.14. Baxady’rova S. Tu’rkologi’ya kongresіnen alghan a’ser mol // Egemen Qazaqstan. – 2004, 13 qazan.


How to Cite

Sadykov, S. (2016). The Expert of Turkology. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from