Syntax-semantic review of emotives in the text


  • К. Abdurahmanova Институт языкознaния им. Нaсими НAНA
        15 21


Text emotive, syntax, semantics, communicative, philology, context, linguistics, intertext, analysis.


The article analyzes the various opinions of researchers of the text in terms of syntax and semantics. Treated similarly emotive aspects of the text in English. Emotion as a psychological phenomenon is reflected in the category emotive, which is proposed to study the communicative and pragmatic point of view, namely, the speech act. Studying of a stativ syntaksems in a position of a predicate showed in the English offer that the stativ syntax representing a physical and mental condition of the person has a number of the options differing in the substantial plan and for the distributive opportunities. The author studies all these questions on material of English and Russian, paying attention to questions syntax-semantic modeling with identification the stativ syntax which actually are understood also as elements with value of a mental state.


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How to Cite

Abdurahmanova К. (2016). Syntax-semantic review of emotives in the text. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from