Communicative competence of the future expert – the key to achieving professional success


  • I. V. Bissingaliyeva Каспийский государственный университет технологий и инжиниринга им. Ш. Есенова
        16 21


communication, communicative competence, modeling, prioritetniy, Interactive Interaction.


The article is devoted to the formation of the communicative competence of the modern specialist in system of its professional training . As the main way to solve it is considered a communicative approach to learning Russian language in the classroom discipline «Professional Russian language.» The work is based on experience of the application of one of the most effective and interactive methods in development of communicative component of professional orientation – role-playing and business games. Realization in the game specific speech situations as much as possible closer communication in the classroom to real professional actions that determines the measure of involvement of students in communicative activities.


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How to Cite

Bissingaliyeva, I. V. (2016). Communicative competence of the future expert – the key to achieving professional success. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from