The image of the Al-Farabi in Kazakh literature


  • М. B. Bekmaganbetov Кaзaхский нaциoнaльный унивeрситeт имeни aль-Фaрaби
        11 18


Literature, Al-Farabi Kazakh literature, the image of al-Farabi, a thinker


The article is devoted to creativity of one of the world’s foremost thinkers – Abu Nasr al-Farabi, whose name is linked not only to a certain number of scientific discoveries of the Middle Ages, but also the development of social and educational philosophy of the Middle East. The image of the Al-Farabi Kazakh literature can be seen in the works of A.Alimzhanov «Return of the teacher» and D.Doszhanov «Farabi». For the poetics of the works of writers of Kazakhstan is characterized by flashbacks to the past. The evolving in two time formations. Compositionally A.Alimzhanov novel is built on the principle of circular narrative – Damascus, fleeing from his hero and the return to the city at the end of the novel. In D. Doszhanov Farabi – a very old man of eighty years. But before you raise the subject, I would like to note that the character and works A.Alimzhanov D. Doszhanov – strong and persistent. Throughout the novel, the author illustrates the spiritual growth of the main character, his complex relationship with the environment, is not sympathetic, the outside world.


1 1. Толмaчев Б.Я. Человек и истории О современном историческом ромaне. – Aлмaты, 1997. – С. 157.
2 2. Aлимжaнов A. Возврaщение учителя. – Москвa: Советский писaтель, 1979. – С. 187.
3 3. Досжaнов Д. Серебряный кaрaвaн. – Москвa, 2007. – С. 157.

1 1. Tolmachev B.YA. CHelovek i istorii O sovremennom istoricheskom romane. – Almaty, 1997. – S. 157.
2 2. Alimzhanov A. Vozvrashchenie uchitelya. – Moskva: Sovetskij pisatel’, 1979. – S. 187.
3 3. Doszhanov D. Serebryanyj karavan. – Moskva, 2007. – S. 157.


How to Cite

Bekmaganbetov М. B. (2016). The image of the Al-Farabi in Kazakh literature. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from