The feautures of comparison in Аbish Kekilbayev`s poetry


  • G. K. G.K. Khassanov М. Өтемісов атындағы Батыс Қазақстан мемлекеттік университеті
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Abish Kekilbay, the use of comparisons, traditional and author comparisons, nomadic civilization, Kazakh poetry, camels.


The article of comparison of linguistic categories in national writer and poet Abish Kekilbay`s poetry. National writer Abish Kekilbay is widely known as a writer, but many do not know that he is a gifted poet. His first book came out in the 50 years of the twentieth century, has shown that in the Kazakh poetry came a young talent. Since Abish Kekilbay in both poetry and prose proved that he is a great expert on the various meanings and interpretations of Kazakh words. In his art there were widely used many direct and figurative meanings of active and passive vocabulary. Therefore, we all know him as a great master of the pen. Abish Kekilbay in his later poetry widely uses new types of comparison. Such comparisons in linguistics are called author comparisons. At the heart of the author comparisons is set the national view of cognitive worldview. In the article there were exposed to linguistic analysis the traditional and author comparisons, which are used by the author. There were given a lot of examples, that had been selected for the opening author`s view which is inherent only to the author. The article shows the origins of comparison which were used by the poet in his cognitive world view. These sources are endless yellow steppe Mangistau, camels - the attribute of a nomadic way of life and nature of the Kazakh as a part of free nomadic civilization.


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How to Cite

G.K. Khassanov, G. K. (2015). The feautures of comparison in Аbish Kekilbayev`s poetry. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from