Theory and history of novel transformation


  • Y. Sultan М.О. Әуезов атындағы әдебиет және өнер институты
        53 47


novel, genre transformation, contemporary fiction, M.M. Bakhtin


The article analyzes the theory and researches history of transformation of one of the leading genres in literature- novel based on the scientific works of scientists investigated this problem. Modern literature which is allocated with the amplification process of transformation is characterized by the displacement from classical tradition. In the article the development of modern culture is considered as a factor of change the novel structure, updating styles and ideas. Stands out for its versatility, contradiction and multilingualism modern culture is analyzed as the cause of the new genre forms and variations.Also examines the concept of transformation of the contemporary novel genre, the directionsof its development and the main reasons ofits transformation.


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How to Cite

Sultan, Y. (2016). Theory and history of novel transformation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from