Modern Kazakh Drama: idea and artistic truth


  • G. S. Karimova Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті
        79 521


modern Kazakh drama, poetics, artistic originality, Zholtay Almashuly, “The Dream of a Handsome Japanese”


The article analyzes the development of the drama genre of the Kazakh literature, its poetic peculiarities and artistic originality. The dramatic work is a complex genre of literature that reflects the reality and demonstrates the intensity of the conflict in all actions. Modern Kazakh drama is an artistically original art in its concord with poetics. In this regard, the article explores in detail the work of one of the leading Kazakh playwrights Zholtay Almashuly: his two-act play “The Dream of a Handsome Japanese”. The purpose of the author of the article is to reveal the ideological, artistic and plot-compositional problems of the play.


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How to Cite

Karimova, G. S. (2016). Modern Kazakh Drama: idea and artistic truth. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 159(1). Retrieved from