Thematic aspects and artistic features of the novel Оralkhan Bokey «Trains Go By»


  • G. Rustenbekova әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы ҚaзҰУ
        21 27


interior monologue, psychological drama, national char¬acter, national peculiarity


This article deals with national features in the novel «Trains Go By», authored by the famous writer Oralkhan Bokey, who left many innovative stylistic trends in the Kazakh literature, which are distinguished by their individuality of writing. Also, the skilful use practices of interior monologue are considered as a way for expanding the artistic spiritual peace of a hero through the specific analyzes. The author analyzes types of the interior monologue in detail, which is one of the artistic methods used for transmitting difficult times in the history of the people, especially the lives of the people at the end of the first quarter of the twentieth century, the struggle for national ideals, the first construction of the railway «Turksib» in the Kazakh steppe, arrival of the train, which was named by the local population as «kara aygyr», different perceptions and difficulties experienced by the individual fates in the novel «Trains Go By» by Oralkhan Bokey. Oralkhan Bokey’s prose is studied and social issues, critical and urgent problems of the era and society in the work that lead to well-founded ideas are considered in this article.


1 1. Бөкей О. Өз отыңды өшірме. Ромaн. – I том. – Алмaты: Ел-шежіре, 2013. – 392 б.
2 2. Мaйтaнов Б.Қ. Монолог құрылымы. Ғылыми зерттеу. – Алмaты: Ценные бумaги, 2006. – 107 б.

1 1. Bokei O. Trains Go By. Roman. – I tom. – Almaty: El-chezhire, 2013. – 392 b.
2 2. Maitanov B.K. Monolog kurylmy. Gylymi zertteu. – Almaty: Sennye bumagi, 2006. – 107 b.


How to Cite

Rustenbekova, G. (2016). Thematic aspects and artistic features of the novel Оralkhan Bokey «Trains Go By». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from