Poetry of Walt Whitman


  • А. Tarak әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті
        15 18


Walt Whitman, M. Makataev, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, an American interpretation of life, poetic features, philosophical world view, translation adequacy, translation mastery, semantic meaning, melo¬dy, the size of the verse, lyrical hero, specific form a


The article is devoted to the analysis of the translation of poetry of American classic and poet Walt Whitman. The names of talented poets S. Marshak and K. Chukovsky should be mentioned as they translated W. Whitman’s poetry into Russian. Hereafter, an outstanding poet M. Makataev translated them into the Kazakh language. A complex poetic meter of the American classic was adopted by M. Makataev for the reader correlating with the Kazakh poetry. The author of the article revealed full compliance with the Russian translation analog. Due to the complexity of the translation a free translation of some lines was observed. The author noted M. Makataev’ brilliant talent as a translator. On the materials of Russian translations of S. Marshak and K. Chukovsky the peculiarities of author’s strategy of translation of W. Whitman’s poetry into Kazakh were revealed. On the basis of theory of poetic translation the quality and level of Kazakh translation was analyzed and the mastery of the translator was identified.


1 1. Чуковский К. Мой Уитмен. – М.: Прогресс, 1966
2 2. Уитмен У. Листвa трaвы. Перевод с aнглииского. – М.: Художественнaя литерaтурa, 1982. – 495 с.
3 3. Мaқaтaев М. Уолт Уитмен. Өлеңдері. – Астaнa: aудaрмa, 2002. – 64 б.
4 4. Мендельсон М. Жизнь и творчество Уитменa. – М.: Нaукa, 1969.
5 5. Тaрaқов А.С. Әлем әдебиеті және көркем aудaрмa. – Алмaты: Қaзaқ университеті, 2014. – 355 б.

1 1. CHukovskij K. Moj Uitmen. – M.: Progress, 1966
2 2. Uitmen U. Listva travy. Perevod s angliiskogo. – M.: Hudozhestvennaya literatura, 1982. – 495 s.
3 3. Maқataev M. Uolt Uitmen. Өleңderі. – Astana: audarma, 2002. – 64 b.
4 4. Mendel’son M. ZHizn’ i tvorchestvo Uitmena. – M.: Nauka, 1969.
5 5. Taraқov A.S. Әlem әdebietі zhәne kөrkem audarma. – Almaty: Қazaқ universitetі, 2014. – 355 b.


How to Cite

Tarak А. (2016). Poetry of Walt Whitman. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1908