Representation of «politeness» concept in the metaphorical nominations of Tatar, Russian and English languages


  • D. Е. Kapanova Павлодарский государственный университет им. С.М. Торайгырова
  • F. R. Avazbakieva Павлодарский государственный университет им. С.М. Торайгырова
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metaphor, metonymy, concept, linguistic world view, cognitive metaphor, image-metaphor, conceptual world view, linguocultural views.


The paper presents an analysis of metaphorical nominations, which contain characteristic of a person in terms of politeness. Metaphor – is not just a kind of lexical-semantic word-building process, but also a way of world perception and conceptualization of surrounding us items. The author identified the national-specific, universal and linguoaxiological peculiarities of the words semantics in different languages (Tatar, Russian and English) and linguistic cultures which based on different types of civilizations. In Tatar national world view the process of child upbringing is metonymically associated with external elegance. In Russian and English linguistic world views this process is compared to a long and careful work on a product. In addition to these views, English-speaking people have association with the soil cultivation, which produces good, rich harvests. The behavior and manners of educated man are associated with sweetened taste, and with a smooth surface that convey the impression of too soft, insincere manners.


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How to Cite

Kapanova D. Е., & Avazbakieva, F. R. (2015). Representation of «politeness» concept in the metaphorical nominations of Tatar, Russian and English languages. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from