Issues of discourse in the concept of cognitive terminology


  • K. Zh. Aydarbek А. Бaйтұрсынұлы aтындaғы Тіл білімі институты
  • B. М. Suyerkul А. Бaйтұрсынұлы aтындaғы Тіл білімі институты
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discourse, cognitive and communicative phenomenon, the term learning process, cognitive terminology


The article deals with the main object of study of cognitive terminology, analyzed discursive basis of terminological units. It is argued that the main object of cognitive terminology should be difficult, complex cognitive and communicative phenomenon, and at the same time cognitive data communications processes necessary to examine closely with the light of the semantic development of characters. The study made the following conclusions: the study of these phenomena must be strictly taken into account, firstly, the fact that the term educational process is the semiotic process closely interrelated with the professional activities and socio-cultural relations between professionals, and secondly, it is a process focused on the formation of a language personality, thirdly, it is a phenomenon associated with the development of linguistic signs. Thus, the term educational processes should be seen in the interdependence of communicative and cognitive processes.


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How to Cite

Aydarbek, K. Z., & Suyerkul B. М. (2016). Issues of discourse in the concept of cognitive terminology. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from