Using the methods of beliefsin language situation


  • А. К. Altaeva «Тұрaн» университеті
        14 18


dispute, truth, correct and incorrect devices of disputing, discussion, debat, eclecticism, sophistry


In article the main attention is given to language distinctions, logical analysises about interesting problems, methods of persuading the audience and to dispute. Methods of impact to persuading the audience, correct and incorrect devices of argumentation and its special case – dispute are discussed in details.Most of examples are taken from imaginative literature. It may show that logic is not just subject of abstract theory, it is also daily practice in persuading. The importance of searching methods of conviction’s changing is first of all due to the fact, that man acts based on his own beliefs and changes in these beliefs is behavior modification at the same time. Beliefs are not just impression of reality, these are also his evatutions, ideals, faith’s symbols, standarts, purposes, plans. In many areas the skills of effecting to other people’s beliefs don’t need special improvement. But there is also some activities and professions which need special studying the theory of argumentation. In democratic societies they are: policy and law, journalism and psycology, history and theology and s.s.


1 1. Об орaторском искусстве. – М., 1973. – 230 с.
2 2. Бaхтин М.М. Эстетикa словесного творчествa. – М.: Искусство, 1986. – 502 с.

1 1. Ob oratorskom iskusstve. – M., 1973. – 230 s.
2 2. Bahtin M.M. Estetika slovesnogo tvorchestva. – M.: Iskusstvo, 1986. – 502 s.


How to Cite

Altaeva А. К. (2016). Using the methods of beliefsin language situation. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from