Language of works of Sherkhan Murtaza


  • Zh. Isayeva Қ.A. Ясaуи aтындaғы Хaлықaрaлық қaзaқ-түрік университеті
        16 34


paremiological units, proverbs and sayings, connotive value, words of heroes, model of artistic speech, poetic phrases, popular wisdom, will, study, intelligence, sincerity


In an assessment of spiritual and moral culture and mental features of the people, and also in studying of a place and role of the separate people in the history of a civilization of mankind, a cultural and historical role of the nation it is necessary to consider not only quantity and volume of proverbs and sayings in art prose of the writer, but also the special attention needs to be paid to semantic contents of instructive words and the paremiologicheskikh of units, versatility of their contents. In this regard, in studying of the historical past and the present of the Kazakh proverbs and sayings it is necessary to consider a logical, philosophical, informative, esthetic, pragmatical, ethnolinguistic component of these language units. Sherkhan Murtaza’s skill is that he fully could use all richness of words of the Kazakh language in the works, capture and show deep meanings of each word, make language of the works a model of oratory. In article the question of ways of transfer the paremiological units in art prose of the writer, dynamics of their use, the ethnolinguistic characteristic, and also features of the semantic analysis of proverbs and sayings of the Kazakh language is considered.


1 1. Мұртaзa Ш. Aй мен Aйшa: Ромaн. – Aлмaты: Жaлын, 1997. – 256 б.
2 2. Қaйдaр Ә. Хaлық дaнaлығы. – Aлмaты: Толғaнaй, 2004. – 560 бет.

1 1. Murtaza Sh. Ai men Aisha: Roman. – Almaty: Zhalyn, 1997. – 256 b.
2 2. Qaidar A. Halyk danalygy. – Almaty: Tolganai, 2004. – 560 b.


How to Cite

Isayeva, Z. (2016). Language of works of Sherkhan Murtaza. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from