Transmission and proxemes in the literature works


  • A. С. Казмагамбетова KazNU named after Al-Farabi
  • Б. М. Калдыбаева KazNU named after Al-Farabi
  • Г. С. Койшыбаева KazNU named after Al-Farabi
        14 11


proxem, behavioral proxem, verbalization, mechanisms, ways and the methods


In this article reviews the mechanisms, ways and the methods of the proxem verbalization and behavioral proxem in the language of art literature. On the anvil of the article, installed case of proxems, their role and position in the art language of Kazakh and Russian peoples. This is characterized by the verbal proxem of communicators, who are Russian and Kazakh native-speakers. This article based on the analysis of factual materials from artistic works of (M. Auezov «the way of Abay»).


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How to Cite

Казмагамбетова A. С., Калдыбаева, Б. М., & Койшыбаева, Г. С. (2016). Transmission and proxemes in the literature works. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from