About the origin of etruscans


  • S. I. Mammadova Институт языкознaния имени Нaсими Нaционaльной Aкaдемии нaук Aзербaйджaнa
        23 68


Etruscan language, Turks, Trojans, ethnical origin, onomastics, anthroponomy, mythology, deciphering


The Etruscan writings found in Italy and the lexical substratum of unknown origin in Latin and Old Greek languages have long been in the focus of attention of linguists. A significant number of names in Old and Roman onomasticon are discovered to be Old Turkic lexicon.
The most important source to reveal the ethnical origin of these people in the Etruscan writings found in the territory of Italy. Turkic character of the Etruscan language is achieved comparatively with Turkic languages. The leading part of the Etruscan lexicon and morphology is found to be Old Turkic.


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10 10. Afyoncu E. Truvanın İntikamı. İstanbul, 2011
1111. Garasharly Chingiz. The Turkic Civilization lost in the mediterranean basin. Baku, 2011


How to Cite

Mammadova, S. I. (2016). About the origin of etruscans. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1930