The use of innvative new methods of teathing for the art world zhyrau


  • Z.-G. К. Bisengali әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті
        18 13


zhyrau – Kalniyaz. Makhambet. withstand the persecu¬tion, similar tolgau, the poetics, of romanticism, raised the masses, human disputes, inspiring rebellious spirit, persecution


Many of the works have come down to us ХҮШ-ХІХ century were transferred mainly verbal way. However, many of those authors and poets whose works have come down to us (orally or in writing) received a good Islamic education. Abylai Оtembet, Qalniyaz Shopy quly, A qtan Kerey uly, N urym Sharsh iql uly, Qasha gan Kүrzhіman uly , Aralbay O ngarbekuly, Omir Qara uly and others received training in the tradition of the school Zhyrau and gained experience. legacy of Zhyrau poetry, lyrics full of national spirit. carolers e images of the brave, talented. strong character’s personalities. Understand texts are full of f the national spirit. It is important to value these udes for students. It is necessary to explain the difference to students during training and explaning of poetry bard. It is especially important to pay attention to students for this purpose in practical hours and independent scientific studies. When training, the analysis of samples striking works of poets Zhyrau school, it is necessary in metodolog y рurpose to compare several samples of the product, choosing a close in style, the situation at the given time.


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How to Cite

Bisengali Z.-G. К. (2016). The use of innvative new methods of teathing for the art world zhyrau. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from