Using of didactic multidimensional technology in the study of kazakh language


  • S. B. Zhusanbaeva әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті
        10 16


technique of teaching kazakh language, didactic multidimensional means, technology of teaching


The article discusses the development and construction of logical-semantic model. Features and benefits of the multidimensional technology in teaching of kazakh language. The didactic multidimensional tools allow to see the whole thing, the topic in a generalized form and each part of each essential element separately. Verbal and visual representation of knowledge supports the storage and reproduction of information.


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How to Cite

Zhusanbaeva, S. B. (2016). Using of didactic multidimensional technology in the study of kazakh language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 160(2). Retrieved from