Feature skazitelskogo art of the Kazakh people


  • А. S. Buldybay КазНУ им аль-Фараби
        24 27


folklore, zhyrshy, bard, folk heritage, epic, termeshi


The creators, bearers and performers of one species rich folklore heri­tage – are uzany, bucks, zhyrauzhyrshy, kissashy, termeshi. Obviously, no one will deny the enormous role of storytellers in the conservation, generation and transmission from generation to generation, the epic works of worldwide importance. They concentrated the centuries­old history and culture of the people. Study the origin of these types of folklore, a more de­tailed analysis of their functions, verbal art, disclosure of the internal laws
of their evolution should contribute to the solution of various problems of the Kazakh epos.
First, you need to solve the following questions: What types of folk­lore in the history of our people were directly related to the creation of epic songs, their performance and development, and which of them have
contributed to their transfer from generation to generation, which have un­dergone change the function of these types of folklore in connection with the historical development.


1 1. Формозов П. Теория фольклорной трaдиции. – М.: Нaукa, 1980. – 356 с
2 2. Бердибaев Р. Қaзaқ эпосы. – Алмaты: Ғылым, 1982. – 227 б.
3 3. Мaрғұлaн Ә. Ежелгі жыр-aңыздaр. – Алмaты: Жaзушы, 1971. – 398 б.
4 4. Конырaтбaев А. Древнетюркскaя поэзия и кaзaхский фольклор. – Алмaты: Ғылым, 1971. – 280 б.
5 5. Турсунов Е. Д. Возникновение бaксы, aкынов, сэры и жырaу. – Астaнa: ИКФ «Фолиaнт», 1999. – 365 с.
6 6. Ш. Уәлихaнов. Тaңдaмaлы. – Алмaты: Жaзушы, 2005. – 365 б.
7 7. Сурaзaков С. С. Алтaйский героический эпос. – М., 1985. – 356 с.
8 8. Мелетинский Э. Н. Поэтикa мифa. – М.: Нaукa, 1976. – 407 с.
9 9. Әуезов М. 20 томдық шығaрмaлaр жинaғы. 18 том. –Алмaты, Жaзушы, 1985. – 448 б.
10 10. Кaскaбaсов С. А. Кaзaхскaя нескaзочнaя прозa. – Алмaты: Нaукa, 1990. – 362 с.
11 11. Кыдырбaевa Р. З. Скaзительское мaстерство мaнaсчи. – Фрунзе: Илим, 1984. – 325 б.

1 1. Formozov P. Teoriya fol’klornoj tradicii. – M. : Nauka, 1980. – 356 s.
2 2. Berdibaev R. The Kazakh epos. – Almaty: Nauka, 1982. – 227 S.
3 3. Margulan А. The ancient poets of legends. – Almaty: Zhazushy, 1971. – 398 p.
4 4. Konyratbaev A. Drevnetyurkskaya poehziya i kazahskij fol’klor. – Almaty: Ғylym, 1971. – 280 b.
5 5. Tursunov E. D. Vozniknovenie baksy, akynov, sehry i zhyrau. – Astana: IKF «Foliant», 1999. – 365 s.
6 6. Ualikhanov Sh. Favorites. – Almaty: Zhazushy, 2005. – 365 p.
7 7. Surazakov S. S. Altajskij geroicheskij ehpos. – M., 1985. – 356 s.
8 8. Meletinskij EH. N. Poehtika mifa. – M. : Nauka, 1976. – 407 s.
9 9. M. Auezov. Collected works in 20 volumes. Volume 18. – Almaty: Writer, 1985. – 448 p
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11 11. Kydyrbaeva R. Z. Skazitel’skoe masterstvo manaschi. – Frunze: Ilim, 1984. – 325 b.


How to Cite

Buldybay А. S. (2016). Feature skazitelskogo art of the Kazakh people. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1953