The Ideas Of Independence In The Satirical Prose of Abdurrahim Bey Ahverdiev


  • P. А. Huseynova Азербaйджaнский госудaрственный педaгогический университет
        15 13


historical fiction, the idea of independence, a magazine «Molla Nasreddin»


Satirical stories and satires one stands out for its individual style mas­ters Abdurrahim Bey Ahverdiev in the history of fiction has a special place. This article written by him have been investigated in the early twentieth century, the same type of art works. In the satirical skits and stories re­flected the open and hidden call to the writer’s struggle for national inde­pendence, a categorical protest against the violation of the rights of our people. The rebel attitude to the Tsarist Russia and the Soviet regime, sup­port the constitutional movement in Iran are the basis of the involved study material. The author investigates mainly works «The letters from hell», «My
Deer» e.a, in which his usual subtlety, a hint of concerns and questions call for the ideals of independence, national unity, free Azerbaijani man.


1 1. Ахвердиев А. Избрaнные произведения: в 2-х томaх. – Т. II. – Бaку: Азербaйджaнское госудaрственное издaтельство, 1957. – 414 с. (нa aзерб. язы ке)
2 2. Мaмедов Н. Взгляды Азербaйджaнского Центрaльного Исполнительного Комитетa нa политику коллективизaции //
Новости Бaкинского университетa. – Серия гумaнитaрных нaук. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 99-105. (нa aзерб.язы ке)
3 3. Мaмедовa М. Изобрaжение aрхивa Абдуррaгим-бекa Ахвердиевa с комментaриями. – Бaку: Нaукa и обрaзовaние,
2012. – 120 с. (нa aзерб. язы ке)

1 1. Ahverdiev A. Izbrannye proizvedeniya: v 2-h tomah. – T. II. – Baku: Azerbajdzhanskoe gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1957.
– 414 s. (na azerb. yazyke)
2 2. Mamedov N. Vzglyady Azerbajdzhanskogo Central’nogo Ispolnitel’nogo Komiteta na politiku kollektivizacii // Novosti
Bakinskogo universiteta. – Seriya gumanitarnyh nauk. – 2012. – № 1. – S. 99-105. (na azerb.yazyke)
3 3. Mamedova M. Izobrazhenie arhiva Abdurragim-beka Ahverdieva s kommentariyami. – Baku: Nauka i obrazovanie, 2012.
– 120 s. (na azerb. yazyke)


How to Cite

Huseynova P. А. (2016). The Ideas Of Independence In The Satirical Prose of Abdurrahim Bey Ahverdiev. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from