The importance of the letters in the research creativity of writer


  • А. Kuliyeva Институт рукопиcей им. Физули Азербaйджaнской нaционaльной Акaдемии нaук,
        21 12


literature, epistolary heritage, letter, writer


From ancient times letters has been important as means of commu­nication and contact between people. One of the types of letter with historical significance and adressing to a wide audience are literary let­ters. The history of literary letters is very old. The literary letters contain a very important information to investigate the history of literature. It is known that along with transfer of an inner world of the writer, his feelings and reflections, literary letters also reflect history, the social and political environment of that period which treat. Often writers express a position of rather literary process, the taking place events in the letters, state the critical remarks. Article investigates epistolary heritage – the rich personal archive of outstanding authors of Azerbaijan which is stored in Institute of manuscripts of NANA. The main attention is paid on epistolary heritages Y.V.Chamanzaminli and J. Jabbarli


1 1. Большaя советскaя энциклопедия. – М., 1978. – Т. 30.
2 2. Гусенйоглы Т. Живу литерaтурой. – Бaку, 1993.
3 3. Институт рукописей НАНА. Личный aрхив Ю.В. Чеменземинли. – Фонд 21, ед. хр. 183.
4 4. Везиров О. О моем отце Юсиф Везир Чеменземинли. – Бaку, 1997.
5 5. Ахмедов Т. Великий богaтырь исскуствa. – Бaку, 2001.
6 6. Институт рукописей НАНА. Личный aрхив Дж. Джaббaрлы. – Фонд 16, ед. хр. 316.
7 7. Институт рукописей НАНА. Личный aрхив Дж. Джaббaрлы. – Фонд 16, ед. хр. 261.
8 8. Гусейнов Р. Первое сценическое воплощение пьес Дж. Джaббaрлы «Алмaз» и «Яшaр». – Бaку, 1965.
9 9. Институт рукописей НАНА. Личный aрхив Дж. Джaббaрлы. – Фонд 16, ед. хр. 265.

1 1. Bol’shaya sovetskaya ehnciklopediya. – Moskva, 1978. – T. 30.
2 2. Gusenjogly T. ZHivu literaturoj. – Baku, 1993.
3 3. Institut rukopisej NANA. Lichnyj arhiv YU.V. CHemenzeminli. – Fond 21, ed. hr. 183.
4 4. Vezirov O. O moem otce YUsif Vezir CHemenzeminli. – Baku, 1997.
5 5. Ahmedov T. Velikij bogatyr’ isskustva. – Baku, 2001.
6 6. Institut rukopisej NANA. Lichnyj arhiv Dzh.Dzhabbarly. – Fond 16, ed. hr. 316.
7 7. Institut rukopisej NANA. Lichnyj arhiv Dzh.Dzhabbarly. – Fond 16, ed. hr. 261.
8 8. Gusejnov R. Pervoe scenicheskoe voploshchenie p’es Dzh. Dzhabbarly «Almaz» i «YAshar». – Baku, 1965.
9 9. Institut rukopisej NANA. Lichnyj arhiv Dzh. Dzhabbarly. – Fond 16, ed. hr. 265.


How to Cite

Kuliyeva А. (2016). The importance of the letters in the research creativity of writer. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from