The motive of miracee birth in ture monuments


  • B. S. Sarbasov Қaзaқ мемлекеттік қыздaр педaгогикaлық университеті
        16 22


motive of searches, motive first feat etc., to define speci­ ficity of functioning them in the epos, Tengrianstvo


This article almost all above mentioned scientists carry a legend to classical­turkic to the period and consider(examine) her as epic product constructed on mythological a plot. And we as a result of study and analy­sis calculating of the concept, determine it (him) as book epics a monu­ment, general for turkic of the peoples. This article in process of formation epic of legends there is a wide experience of condensation and generalization of various subject lines and event of units. The author added in a legend the description only of those events, which witness he was by. The purpose of research is the consideration «Oguz­name» as book
epicol of a monument, study folklor- typological of similarities. As «Oguz­name» was understood as a spiritual heritage perceived(recognized) froma primogenitor Oguz­Kagana, we took into account(discounted) the ob­jective and subjective factors. Also we undertook attempt of study and analysis of folklore character of a monument.


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1 1. Margulan A. Ezhelgi zhyr, anyzdar. – Almaty: Zhazushy, 1985. – 368 b. – B. 82.
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How to Cite

Sarbasov, B. S. (2016). The motive of miracee birth in ture monuments. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from