The image of concepts «Period» and «Time» in traditional kazakhpoetry


  • В. D. Kerimbekova Сүлеймaн Демирель aтындaғы университетті
        33 84


period, time, kazakh literature, poetry, zarzaman (hard times)


In kazakh literature definition and the view of notions «Kylyzaman (different times)», «Zarzaman (hard times)», «Tar zaman (tight times)», «Ker zaman», «Akyrzaman (end of the world)» are determined in the article named «The image of concepts «Period (Zaman)» and «Time (Uikit)» in traditional kazakh culture and literature». The author explains and analyzes the concepts «Period» and «Time» on the basis of poet’s and storyteller’s poetry. In this article the concept «zaman» is widely explained in the writ­ings of «Zarzaman» stream’s representatives.


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How to Cite

Kerimbekova В. D. (2016). The image of concepts «Period» and «Time» in traditional kazakhpoetry. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from