Lexical features of Dulat Babatayuly works


  • К. К. Kurkebayev әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті
  • E. М. Temirgalieva әл-Фaрaби aтындaғы Қaзaқ ұлттық университеті
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lexical compatibility, occasional words, household lexi­con, ethnolinguistic terms, military lexicon


In this article lexical features of works of the famous Kazakh poet who has held a specific place in the history of the Kazakh literature – Dulat Ba­ batayula are considered. Dulat Babatayuly is the connecting link between
oral creativity to a zhyra and rudiments of written poetry of Kazakhs which foundation was laid by the great Kazakh poet – Abay Kunanbayev. For this reason studying of creativity of Dulat is actual and in present time. In article analysis of lexical components of works of the poet becomes. The analysis to groups of the words which have been a basis of subjects of works is carried out. These are such groups as: names of toponyms, ono­mastichesky terms, ethnolinguistic terms and ets. Besides, in article issues of lexical compatibility and creation of new artistic images in language of the poet are touched. By means of carrying out the analysis of the art text of works epithets, phraseological units, periphrases and syntactic parallel­izm in occasional application of Dulat Babatayula are considered.


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2 2. Сыздықовa Р. XVIII-XIX ғaсырлaрдaғы қaзaқ әдеби тілінің тaрихы. – Алмaты: Мектеп, 1984. – 248 б.
3 3. Зaмaнa сaзы: Өлеңдер мен дaстaндaр. Құрaст.,бaспaғa әзірлеген Қ.Өмірәлиев. – Алмaты: Жaзушы, 1991. – 160 б.

1 1. Raev Q. Dulat Babataiuly shigarmalarinin poetikasi. Monografia. – Almaty, 2007. – 281 b.
2 2. Sizdykova R. XVIII-XIX gasirlardagi qazaq adebi tilinin tarihy. – Almaty: Mektep, 1984. – 248 b.
3 3. Zamanasazy: Olender men dastandar. Qurast., baspaga azirlegen Q. Omiraliev. – Almaty: Jazushy. 1991. – 160 b.


How to Cite

Kurkebayev К. К., & Temirgalieva E. М. (2016). Lexical features of Dulat Babatayuly works. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/1979