Aesthetic interference of the original andtranslation (based on the example of Abai in English)


  • А. Tilivaldi-­Khamraev Инсти ут литерaтуры и искусствa имени М.О. Ауэзовa
        19 14


aesthetic indifference, rhyme, rhyming techniques, con­currency, implicit quality


The article is devoted to the issues of aesthetic interference of the orig­inal and translation, where based on the example of Abai in Russian and English languages the key issues of interpenetration and complementarity between different aesthetic systems have been considered. One of such factors is the interferential rhyme system and methods of rhyme of the orig­inal and translation. Rhythmic and rhyme systems of Kazakh, Russian and English poetry are original. They differ not only by structural composition,
but also by the nature of functioning and sound organization in verse. It is very difficult to transmit such peculiarity of Kazakh poetry in translation.


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2 Бельгер Г.К. Энергия оригинaлa / Избрaнные сочинения.– Т.8. – Алмaты: Бaлaлaр әдебиеті, 2011. – 480 с.
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1 1. Ahmetov Z. Osnovy teorii kazahskogo stiha. – Almaty, 2002. – 302 s.
2 2. Bel’ger G.K. EHnergiya originala / Izbrannye sochineniya. – T. 8. – Almaty: Balalar әdebietі, 2011. – 480 s.
3 3. Latypova Z.H. Problemy poehticheskogo perevoda / Monografiya. – Almaty, 2008. – 286 s.
4 4. Dyurishin D. Teoriya sravnitel’nogo izucheniy aliteratury. – M.: Progress, 1979. – 318 s.
5 5. Komissarov V.N. Teoriya perevoda (lingvisticheskie aspekty). – M.: Vyssh. shk., 1990. – 253 s.
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How to Cite

Tilivaldi-­Khamraev А. (2016). Aesthetic interference of the original andtranslation (based on the example of Abai in English). Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from