The technique of training in the practical course of Russian directed to formation of skills of publicistic style


  • Ф. М. Ержaновa Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • З. С. Егизбaевa Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
  • Т. Е. Игенбaй Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет
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communicative and rhetorical competenses, public speech, discussion, debates


Modern speech practice dictates certain requirements to the level of preparation of students. Besides forming linguistic and communicative competenses, there is a requirement in forming for the students of rhetori­cal competense. This, above all the public, always has been criticized, not less sharply criticized it today. Depleted centuries notions of speech qual­ity must be supplemented by the criteria that determine the rights and ob­ligations of the sender and the addressee [1]. On how concisely, precisely, it is appropriate, in accordance with the current situation of speech and logically formulated communicants thought it depends on the productivity of the communication process. Consequently, communicative and verbal ability to express their thoughts is essential to human activity. But this is the most important aspect in the study of the Russian language is underes­ timated, so the focus in the classroom is often only a letter, ie law relation­
ship and interdependence of all kinds of speech activity in the course of their working and improving.


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3 Федоренко Л.П. Анaлиз теории и прaктики обучения русскому языку. – Курск, 1999.

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How to Cite

Ержaновa Ф. М., Егизбaевa З. С., & Игенбaй Т. Е. (2016). The technique of training in the practical course of Russian directed to formation of skills of publicistic style. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 161(3). Retrieved from