Scientific and methodical bases of literary program implementations discipline in the context of the works of Chingiz Aitmatov
biography, story, novel, artistic world, novelty, evolution, work, characters, problemAbstract
There are actual problems of literary criticism in the article: the scientific and methodological basis of implementation of the program in the contexts of the works of Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov, «Jamila», «The
Scaffold», and «Stormy Whistle Stop». The author emphasizes the idea of fundamental problems of humanity, whichareput on the agenda in the new way: the majesty of man, the grace of nature and eternal life. The writer’s works depict reality, everyday life, which passes our existence, but it can be seen through the perfection of life to what we aspire. Great attention is paid to «discovery» of the writer in the article; it contains novelty creations, and stands out the idea that creativity of Chingiz Aitmatov was the authentic sample of artistry. There is a statement of his bibliographer, Abdyldazhan Akmatalievsaid, «since Soviet times Aitmatov was Kyrgyzstan’s face, her «spiritual passport «, people knew better him than the whole Kyrgyzstan.
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