Role playing in learning a foreign language
roleplay, innovative technology, motivation, lesson or ganisation, communicative competenceAbstract
In this article we are talking about the relevance of the use of non traditional forms of foreign languagelearning, in particular French. Role plays are of great importance in the training that contribute to the development of communicative competence, as well as to the motivation of the students in the learning process. Learning a foreign language can and should ensure the achievement of practical, educational, educational and developmental objectives are closely interrelated, thus leading a practical
purpose, and educational, educational and developmental objectives are achieved in the process of language acquisition in terms of active informative ideational activity of students. Thus, one of the leading trends in modern methods of foreign language teaching is the search for such teaching methods that would be most fully consistent with its objectives. Examples of roleplaying games, presented in this paper can be used in classes of French at different levels(А1А2,В1).To achieve a positive final goal it is necessary to organize the lesson and apply roleplay correctly. If the technique is applied properly, the result will not wait long.
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