New approaches in teaching theory and practice of intercultural communication


  • А. К. Zhumabekova Казахский национальный педагогический университет им. Абая
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theory and practice of intercultural communication, teaching methodology, cultural and anthropological approach, linguistic approach.


In the situation of the emergence of a great number of scientific and educational and methodical literature on problems of intercultural communication it is hard for teachers of higher educational institutions to orientate in the organization of the corresponding training courses, their purposes, tasks, contents selection and training techniques. In the result of the analysis of the Russian and Kazakhstan sources of the last decade two approaches to definition of intercultural communication are outlined: cultural and anthropological and linguistic defining structure and contents of available textbooks and manuals. The first approach is preferable for training students and undergraduates of not philological specialties – future psychologists, diplomats, experts in the field of tourism, PR managers, etc. as for representatives of these areas of activity sphere methodologically significant is an applied nature of communicative interaction. The second approach is necessary for training future philologists – translators, teachers of foreign languages as in that case priority there is a studying of processes of intercultural communication in the field of speech activity.


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How to Cite

Zhumabekova А. К. (2015). New approaches in teaching theory and practice of intercultural communication. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 143(3). Retrieved from