Artistic biography of Uraz Djandosov in the dilogy «Morning and two steps at noon» by D. Snegin


  • N.T., Kakisheva al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        34 46


This article is about the novel by D. Snegin «Morning and two steps at noon» which dedicates to biography and political activities of one of the best representatives of the kazakh intelligency of Uraz Dzhandosov.
Uraz Zhandosov (1899-1938) was a Soviet party statesman of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Commissar of education of Kazakh SSR. Life of Uraz Dzhandosov is connected with historical events of the period of civil war in Semirechye, with fight for creation of new life in the Kazakh SSR.
The main task of the novel was to show the spiritual growth of Uraz Zhandosov, the formation of his character and worldview.
The dilogy «Morning and two steps at noon» was created in the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century (the first book «Morning» was published in 1976, the second book «Two steps at noon» in 1982).
The first book is about the Uraz’s childhood and the years of his studies at the Vernyi Gymnasium. In the second book of the Dm. Snegin reproduces only two years from the life of his hero, but they were full of the greatest events that changed the fate of the people.




How to Cite

Kakisheva, N. (2018). Artistic biography of Uraz Djandosov in the dilogy «Morning and two steps at noon» by D. Snegin. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 169(1), 28–32. Retrieved from