The study of the functional approach to the Russian language


  • Zh.S. Abayeva al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty,
        41 0


The article considers basic provisions of functional grammar. Attention is drawn to the issues related to the functional grammar, which were considered in works of scientists of early and mid-twentieth century. The specifics of the functional approach to the language is noted. Main attention is drawn to the concept, proposed by A.V. Bondarenko. Basic terms of his concept are analyzed: function, functioning, semantic category, functional-semantic field, categorical situation. Dominance of a single categorical situation or a combination of a multiple categorical situations within an utterance is illustrated. Consideration of the semantic category, functional semantic field and categorical situation is accompanied by an illustration based on the basis of semantic category, functional-semantic field and various categorical temporal situations. Relationship between functional and traditional grammar is indicated. Its advantage, practical significance and scope is justified on the basis of the experience of teaching of functional grammar at university.

How to Cite

Abayeva, Z. (2018). The study of the functional approach to the Russian language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 169(1), 64–69. Retrieved from