Creation of a scientific text model in Russian language classes


  • R.S Turebekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
  • Ye.E Khairusheva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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This article examines the significance of Russian language training for students who take courses in
Kazakh in the context of the fact that the preparation of highly qualified scientific specialists remains an
increasingly important responsibility of research universities. The authors developed an algorithm for
the structural and semantic analysis of scientific texts that is appropriate for use in all academic fields.
In each academic department, the study of the scientific style of writing possesses its own characteristics. This article proposes a system for creating a model for scientific texts in Russian language classes,
specifically for students in the Department of Geography and Nature Management. The article presents, for the first time, an algorithm for structural-semantic analysis as well as a model for educational
scientific texts within the academic concentration of «Tourism.» Studying and analyzing scientific texts
in Russian within their field of study, students learn to work with texts in general, in any language. The
model consist of the following steps: highlighting basic information, compressing the text, and clearly
conveying the content of the text in a concise form as plans. This final stage of analysis, which consists
of an oral report on the content of the text, serves as the basis for preparing students for work in the
field of scientific research.




How to Cite

Turebekova, R., & Khairusheva, Y. (2018). Creation of a scientific text model in Russian language classes. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 169(1), 174–178. Retrieved from



Methods of teaching language and literature