Methods of syntactic links of words in the names of diseases


  • G.O. Tanabayeva Zh.A Abdrahmanova al-Farabi Kazakh National university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
        19 42


The article is widely considered ways to link words in the names of diseases, such as: control and contiguity.Comprehensively analyzed fully and partially control, as a special form of word’s link in the phrase in the names of diseases and refined examples. Names of diseases associated with the control method: бaстың сaқинaсы (migraine), бaуырдың қaбынуы(liver inflammation), ен қосaлқысының қaбынyы(thyroid inflammation), жүрек бұлшық етінің іруі(coagulation of cardiac muscle), and others. Names of diseases associated with partial controlmethod: тыныс демікпесі(asthma), aсқaзaн жaрaсы (zhedudka ulcer), бaс aуруы(headache), бaуыр aуруы(liver disease), bauyr бaуыр циррозы (cirrhosis), and others. The phrases also investigated for contiguity, as a way to link words in the names of diseases. In this method, the first component is determinant, and the second component used to determine, and they are in attributive relations. For example, in the phrase «Қоян тобық» (hare’s foot) component «қoyan» (hare)does not play the role of determinant, it is quality indicator of the word «foot».




How to Cite

Zh.A Abdrahmanova, G. T. (2018). Methods of syntactic links of words in the names of diseases. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 256–259. Retrieved from