On the Role of Motivation in the Course of Trilingual Program Realization in Education System


  • A.A Muldagalieva . G.T. Okusheva al-Farabi Kazakh National university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
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The paper is devoted to the summary of various motivation theories. Motivation is one of key factors of success in educational process. In foreign language learning it plays a central role since language itself has a complex and many faceted nature. Accordingly the motivational basis of foreign language learning is also a many dimensional and many faceted construct and is likely to remain a fertile ground for further research. It is this very reason why motivation for acquisition of foreign language totally differs from learning other subjects. Mastering foreign language assumes formation of the second language personality. Foreign language motivation involves not only acquisition of grammar and lexical skills. It is a manyfaceted and unique construct consisting of host of factors. With the purpose to identify the motivational basis of our students for English language learning we have administered a survey among al-Farabi university students of humanitarian and natural studies faculties. The analysis of the study shows that our students’ motivation for English language mastery is based on goal setting and goal orientation theories.




How to Cite

G.T. Okusheva, A. M. . (2018). On the Role of Motivation in the Course of Trilingual Program Realization in Education System. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 288–291. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2272



Methods of teaching language and literature