About the musical characteristics of household songs Zhetysu


  • R.O. Stamgaziev A.S Sabyrova Т. Kaizak national art academy of Zhurgenov and Kazakh National Conservatory in Kurmangazy, Almaty Kaizakhstan
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Semirechye’s songs collection begins with the expedition of A. Divaev
and I.Zhansugurov in 1920 y. They collected materials on folklore, which
amounted to 68 notebooks. I.Zhansugurov in his article «Song, the sing
ers» drew attention to the link songs with specific geographical position
of the edge. A folklorist M. Zholdasbekov was the first who published the
such prominent singers of Zhetysu as serі Sauytbek Ұsaұly, Dәuren and
Қyrmyzy, Zhidebay, Қayraқbay, Balқybek, Sauytbek, Әldіbay Bekқұly.
These folk singers were called the «Sala Ashanyң alty». A folklorist A. Za
taevich was the first who published 100 songs of his native region in the
book «500 songs». The group of folklorists­researches, led by composer
E. Rakhmadiyev and musicologist A. Temirbekova collected more than
1,000 phono materials in1958­1959y.y Also the collecting folk materials
has been carried out in different years by such researchers of the Conserva
tory Science Laboratory as Yerzakovich B., A. Serikbaev, Rayymbergenov
A., G. Omarov S. Elemanova, S. Қaliev. However, only with the collecting
activities of B. Muptekeev and his ethnographic collection «Zhetysu auen
deri» has been created the ground for the full study of the local tradition.
The current article is devoted to the musical features of domestic songs of




How to Cite

A.S Sabyrova, R. S. (2018). About the musical characteristics of household songs Zhetysu. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 358–362. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2287