Metaphorization and symbolic meaning of the bird’s names


  • Zh.A Abdumanapova Kazakh state women's teacher training university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
        16 15


This article is dedicated to metaphorization of bird’s namesand their
symbolic importance. Investigating the past of the people and comparing
with nowadays, language is one of the most important factors in predicting
the future. It is well known that today the basis of some advanced language
studies of the anthropocentric paradigm is the culture of tertiary researches
«language – society – man», «language – nation – culture». In this article,
the first goal is to link human’s mind with the bird’s names. The second
goal is the interconnectedness between language, nation and nature.
Before discussing the mentioned problems, it is necessary to identify
the bird’s namesresearch. Thesebird’s namesdetermine their own place
and character in the language units, concepts andin the target system. The
peculiarities of any themes and their full discussion are connected with
the researches of their unexplored sides. Prior to that, the most important
prerequisitesof the topicwere human qualities through the bird’s names,
whose connection with human existence had not been the object of re





How to Cite

Abdumanapova, Z. (2018). Metaphorization and symbolic meaning of the bird’s names. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 372–376. Retrieved from