Prose of V.F. Mikhailov


  • G.B Ainabekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        10 18


The article refers to the literary process of Kazakhstan of XXI century
of modern Russian literature of Kazakhstan. About the founders of Russian
literature of Kazakhstan. On the change of genres, motifs in contemporary
Russian literature of Kazakhstan. The analysis on the documentary story VF
Mikhailov «Great jute». The fact that this book is the first, which was writ
ten in Russian about the terrible tragedy of Kazakhstan. The fact that this
tragedy has affected not only the Kazakh people, but also many «special
settlers», referring to the Kazakh land – Russian, Ukrainians and other na
tionalities. Also, the book reveals the fact that hunger was made by hand,
that is to say, it was the result of violence.





How to Cite

Ainabekova, G. (2018). Prose of V.F. Mikhailov. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 378–381. Retrieved from