Urgent problems of teaching the state language


  • A.K. Tokbaev Kainar Univeristy, Almaty, Kazakhstan
        12 11


In recent years, many problems in the study of languages, published in
the media resonate with the readers, especially those who are concerned
about the fate of the language.
The theme isnot aboutphonetics, grammar, vocabulary and other
spheres oflinguistics. Dependingonthehistoryandpublic processes the
theme is about Kazakhlanguage, thestatelanguage.
A childbeforegoingto Primary School hears Russian wordsfrom chil
drenin the yard orathomewatchingcartoonsandotherprogramsin the Inter
net. Methods of teaching theKazakhlanguageto young people are given in
thisarticle inshortandconceptualform. Thearticlehas been writteninthebe
liefthat it will be of benefit to those who wish to learn the Kazakh language.
Inaddition, it gives methods for application.
The beauty of the Kazakhlanguage and the needof its popularization
would take place in this article. In simple terms it refers to the need of
young people to learn the Kazakh language – the pride of our country.Also
if we want our language last forever we should learn and teach the Kazakh





How to Cite

Tokbaev, A. (2018). Urgent problems of teaching the state language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 410–415. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2296