Fatima Balgaeva, a person, who professionally learned playing kobyz, the first professional performer and teacher


  • A. Turganbekkyzy G .Alshynova Kazakh state women's Teacher training University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
        14 39


In this article we will analyze the ways of formation of research, peda
gogical and performing activities of Fatima Balgayeva after her first steps
to the sphere of musical art and her invaluable contribution to the Kazakh
music. Also we will describe the fact that she is considered the first per
son who professionally performed classical compositions for a new three
stringed kobyz. The article gives information about Fatima Balgayeva’s
contribution to melodies, songs, plays and compositions for kobyz of other
Kazakh composers. Also we will talk about her mentors, the education
and experience conveyed by them on her professional way, including her
research and didactic works as a teacher, as well as her own pupils will be
Fatima Balgayeva created the new directions for professional kobyz
performers, worked on the compliance of professional skills to the passage
of time, made great progress and change in the sphere due to her extensive
experience and scientific approach and worked with techniques of profes
sional performance alone. Proceeding from this it becomes obvious that
the name of Fatima Balgayeva will be engraved in the history of the Kazakh
music in gold letters.





How to Cite

G .Alshynova, A. T. (2018). Fatima Balgaeva, a person, who professionally learned playing kobyz, the first professional performer and teacher. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 165(1), 416–419. Retrieved from https://philart.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-FIL/article/view/2297