Intertexts in V. Mikhailov’s story «The Great Jute»


  • G.B Ainabekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        18 26


The article is devoted to the topic «Inserting plots in the structure of V. Mikhailov’s documentary
prose» The Great Jute «. It addresses such issues as the function of forms and changes in narrative structures. At the same time, the focus is on the issues of artistry, the system of images, new narrative forms.
The article talks about the art of creating an impressive documentary artistic text, about the author’s consciousness, about the perception of the modern reader. The main object of attention is inserted stories,
that is, the function of the text in the text. An analysis of Valery Mikhailov’s documentary «The Great
Jute» is carried out. The object of in-depth analysis is the plots in this work. There is no doubt that the
use of false novels by Valery Mikhailov makes the documentary story «The Great Jute» more interesting
and stronger. The use of contrast reception has a special effect on the reader.




How to Cite

Ainabekova, G. (2018). Intertexts in V. Mikhailov’s story «The Great Jute». Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 15–19. Retrieved from