Space of daily life in eternity dimensions


  • Zh. Dzhalamova B Joldasbekova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        11 12


This article considers the creative experience underlying Michail Prishvin’s works. The writer’s role
in the world literature process of the twentieth century, and the contemporary understanding of philosophical and esthetic problems of his works define the relevance of the subject. This paper considers how
pictorial paintings emphasize the infinite variety of life and the fullness of existence. The article refers to a
holistic view of the world, where a number of domestic concrete real world there is the beauty of nature.
It is proved that the idea of the unity of the natural world and the human being brings writers thinking
philosophy Russian cosmism




How to Cite

B Joldasbekova, Z. D. (2018). Space of daily life in eternity dimensions. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 48–51. Retrieved from