Dmitry Snegin’s novels of recent year


  • N.T., Kakisheva Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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In this article we are talking about a kind of artistic manner of the writer in the novels of recent years.
In the new prose writer actualized role of the author: the narrator, the storyteller, he does not hide his
presence, he tells about present and past.The plot of each of the stories is logically completed events
are commented in a kind of epilogue, where in summary form contains information about the fate of the
characters. Snegin as a writer summarizes not only his creative life, but from the height of his experience
reinterprets the results of the life of his characters. 




How to Cite

Kakisheva, N. (2018). Dmitry Snegin’s novels of recent year. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 61–64. Retrieved from