Artistic specificity of M. Zverev’s realistic stories about animals in the context of the animalistic literature of Kazakhstan


  • N.K.,Sarsekeeva N.N Zhenis Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
        24 37


The article discusses the tradition of animalism in the Kazakh and world literature, establishes its
main features. On the example of M. Zverev’s novels and short stories reveals the artistic specificity
of his realistic stories about animals. M. Zverev naturalistic works are short stories from the life of the
inhabitants of wildlife, telling about author’s various observations of the animal world of Kazakhstan.
The writer’s stories differ in a reliable description of the behavior of animals in various situations. M.D.
Zverev was one of the first in the domestic animalistic literature, who showed interest in understanding
animal’s inner world, opened a new view of the animal world, which conceals many uncharted secrets.
The fundamental constitutive feature of his style is the application of animal’s inner world as the leading
approach. M.D. Zverev was able to combine in his work scientific, artistic and journalistic beginnings,
thus opening in the domestic animalistic literature a new stage. At the same time, the artistic reflection
of scientific problems in literature became especially important for him.




How to Cite

N.N Zhenis, N. (2018). Artistic specificity of M. Zverev’s realistic stories about animals in the context of the animalistic literature of Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 102–106. Retrieved from