Formation of philosophy of language


  • B.A.,Jaambaeva A.Y Amalova Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, Almaty
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This article describes the steps of the formation of a separate branch of philosophy of language – one
of the central areas of research in modern western philosophy, which focuses on understanding of the
language as the key to understanding the thinking and knowledge. The forerunners of the philosophical
and linguistic areas were Rousseau with ideas about the origin of writing, John. Mill contribution to the
theory of reference, von Humboldt and others.The transition from the philosophical classics to the period
of the philosophy of language is associated with a change in the object of research: the place of «ideas»
come to the linguistic nature – offers and terms.Since the second half of the XX century, all the major
sections of the philosophy of experiencing at least stylistic influence of philosophical and linguistic turns
of thought. Thus, the philosophy of language – it’s not just separately taken the direction of philosophical
studies, but also a particular style of philosophical thinking, which is associated with a primary interest
in the question of how to construct theories and with the study of the principles of orderliness means of
expressing knowledge.




How to Cite

A.Y Amalova, B. (2018). Formation of philosophy of language. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 158–161. Retrieved from