Stylistic aspect of advertising discourse


  • S.A., Odanova R.A Abishova Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University Kazakhstan, Almaty
        17 46


Since the period of the year of independence the language of advertizing has been considered in
Kazakh linguistics. This is because in this period the republic passed to market society. Now the life of
the modern person is inconceivable without advertizing background which is more and more obvious,
more active and acting. Advertizing which has already penetrated and is getting into all spheres of society actively influences its social institutes and has considerable impact on social behavior of the people
living in it.
The evaluative meaning in linguistics is reflected in different language levels and it is used to achieve
the objectives of the communicants. The most basic units forming the evaluative meaning are parts of
speech. Adjective is a derivative way of conveying evaluative value in advertising in the Kazakh language. The categories of comparative degree of adjectives, lexical groups are owners of the evaluation
value of any kind of advertising. The article is an analysis of a group of words, which are considered an
integral part of society with evaluation value made by using the adjective and it shows the findings which
were made by scientists




How to Cite

R.A Abishova, S. O. (2018). Stylistic aspect of advertising discourse. Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education, 166(2), 208–213. Retrieved from